Monday, January 24, 2011

Tempted by P.C. Cast + Kristin Cast

Title: Tempted
Author: P.C. Cast + Kristin Cast
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Series: House of Night
Series Number: Book Six
Page Amount: 319
Chapter Amount: 40
Release Date: October 27, 2009
Overall Rating: 10 out of 9 stars

This is the sixth book in the House of Night series. Although I do not intentionaly put spoilers, the following synopsis and review may contain spoilers to earlier books. Do not read unless you have read Marked, Betrayed, Chosen, Untamed, and Hunted by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast.

Dark secrets and unspoken suspicions come between Zoey and Stevie Rae, putting their friendship – and the House of Night – at risk.
After Zoey Redbird and her gang have banished Kalona and Neferet, the fallen High Priestess, from Tulsa, you’d think they’d catch a break.  But with Zoey and her sexy Warrior Stark both recovering from a brush with death, and the fledglings struggling to deal with the fallout from Neferet’s reign of terror, a break is just not in the forecast.  Zoey is haunted by her confusing yet elemental connection with A-ya, the ancient Cherokee maiden who was the only human able to tempt Kalona’s body and soul.  How will A-ya’s pull on her affect Zoey’s ability to resist the dangerously seductive immortal?
Meanwhile, Stevie Rae, with her super red vamp powers, always thought she could handle the stuff she’s been keeping from her BFF.  But the mysterious, threatening force lurking in the tunnels under the Tulsa Depot is spreading; Stevie Rae won’t confide where she’s been and what she’s doing, and Zoey is beginning to wonder just how much she can trust the person she always thought would have her back.

Plot: The plot was pretty good but the beginning was kind of slow and hard to get through. I sometimes had to force myself to read at the beginning! But at one point, I'd say about a quarter of the way through, it picked up then I couldn't put it down. So overall an OK plot.

Characters: I loved the characters! Zoey has improved! I can actully stand her now! So, yea, Zoey has improved on the boyfriend thing and I'm not going, UGH! Three Boyfriends!! Really!! She has become a stronger character and I've really loved all the over characters so I have nothing to rant on about the characters. :D

Creativity: More things are introduced and it just keeps on getting more, and more creative! The creativity is probably my favorite things about the House of Night books. So good creativity.

Writing: The writing has improved! WAY better than it was in Marked. And in all the other books. Still I prefer other authors' writing. But its still good and not annoying in anyway.

Ending: Wow.. The ending was soo shocking, I really don't what to say. You DO NOT expect what is going to happen. It basically went BAM! And let me just say I LOVE these type of endings! So, in my opinion, one of most favorite endings out of all the House of Night books. :O

Cover: The cover is just as beautiful as all the other House of Night books! So nothing wrong here.

All in all: I loved this book and a great addition to the already amazing House of Night series. Other than that plot it was an amazing book and I definitely reccomend it!

First Sentence: The night sky over Tulsa was alight with a magical crescent moon.

Toxxic Rainbowz

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