Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Impulse by Ellen Hopkins

Title: Impulse
Author: Ellen Hopkins
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Series: Impulse
Series Number: Book One
Page Amount: 666
Chapter Amount: N/A
Release Date: January 23, 2007
Overall Rating: 10 out of 10 stars

Three teens who have attempted suicide meet in a psychiatric hospital, battle their demons, and begin to heal.
The handsome son of wealthy parents, Connor has everything anyone could want-except his family's love and affection. Jailed for years after killing his mother's child-molesting boyfriend, Tony is confused about his sexuality. Manic-depressive Vanessa cuts herself. All three stories intertwine in a brutally honest story about pain and resilience.

Plot: The plot was amazing! I just confused at one part. But that was probably my own fault so there is really nothing wrong with the plot. There is really not much else to say.

Characters: I liked all of the characters! You really connect with them and they are no, not three dimensional, but four dimensional! You feel what they feel, see what they see, hear what they hear, etc. etc.

Creativity: Of coarse there are a lot of books about suicide but this one, with the verse, surpasses all of them! And I love it's three stories all with different problems. I love the creativity in this book!

Writing: The writing was probably my favorite my part about this book! It's in free verse form and it just made this book ten times better than it already was! It didn't feel like you were reading poetry but the writing just flowed and it's just amazing!

Ending: The ending was heartbreaking. I BALLED when this book ended. You do not expect what will happen! But that is the best part about it! The ending was just so powerful. I LOVE IT!

Cover: I love all the covers of all of Ellen Hopkins books! They are so simple but, yet, so powerful! It's usally just one word but, that word fits the book completely. This for example the words are crazy and there are what look blood splatters on it. (You'll get if you read the book.) So the cover is AMAZING!

All in all: I've always been a more fantasy, dystopian, etc. reader but this edgy realistic fiction is probably my new favorite book! Please check this out or any other one of Ellen Hopkins books. I promise you, you will not be disappointed! :D

First Sentence: Without warning, sometimes you're traveling a highway, the only road you've ever known, and wham!

Toxxic Rainbowz

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